Well today was interesting. Remember how I was thinking I'd do a short day today maybe? Probably not, since I'm posting the last three days all at once since I just got service.
Today I did not do a short day. I rode 82 miles, about 1,500 feet of climb on rough road, and with a stiff headwind for a lot of it. Also, it's sunny again, and I ran out of sunscreen and had to ration it today. That's... not fun.
But, honestly, it was a good day of riding. I woke up earlier and got out of camp by 7:45 - my goal is 7:30, probably 7 tomorrow now that I'm in the hot and windy part of the world. I was able to bang out the first 20 miles before the wind picked up, and then it got harder. It's funny, leaving an hour earlier doesn't really translate to getting in an hour earlier. It's much more than that, because it's an hour of no-wind riding vs an hour of wind riding. One hour in the morning can equal several hours in the afternoon. If I had the willpower, I'd be riding at 5:30 am as soon as its bright enough to safely do it.
I've done that too, when I knew high winds and heat were the forecast. I likely will be doing it again in the desert. A 4am wakeup call, but not yet.
I reached the top of the pass at mile 43 - a very hard, hot climb, with a headwind, then farted around up there for a few miles with headwinds, rolling hills, and elevation air, but eventually had 30 miles of rough road with swirly winds through a sweet canyon as a downhill (Awesome, but on rough roads it's still not easy. My arms and back are very sore.) and then at some point around mile 75 I had 7 miles of uphill sidewind pavement into Lima. I got into town at 4:20 with 6:27 on bike. I'm getting faster. I also got in half dead - which, honestly, for an 82 mile day that fast with that much climb is allowable, even if it were on pavement.
I spent a lot of the time while climbing writing comedy bits between Sage Brush and Camas Root (Camas plays the straight woman, Sage the punster) and planned to record some once I got to the top of the pass. But, TRAGEDY, after I topped the pass all the Camas disappeared, so it was just Sage.
Oh well, if I find it side by side again, you'll bet you'll see it.
I saw two bike packing bikes at the cafe in town, so I went in there first since eating was on my list. I figured it was the two girls that I was told I was an hour behind by someone cutting wood on my way up Fleecer's Ridge. At one point I was so close to them that I heard their (or another guy who was also in front of me's) brakes on the way down the ridge as I was climbing up the other side. I figured I'd catch them at some point since I'd been gaining on them. Today they are riding 15 more miles to a reservoir so I'll likely see them on the ride tomorrow. They are only riding a week and started just after Butte.
Then, I resupplied with about 2 days worth of food plus an extra for emergencies, sunscreen(!!), and found a nice park to stay in. Yes! Lima is a town of 250 or so. Perfect for bike touring. I have my favorite combination: Picnic tables, a shelter, running water, a bathroom, power, and no-one hassling me because it's a small town. Everything a bike tourists needs! It's also right on I15 so I have cell service!
Tomorrow is only 58 days and relatively flat. Sweet!
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