Monday, August 19, 2019

Hachita to Antelope Wells

Look, so close!


Cool church on the way out of Hachita

The rest of these photos are all similar, but I was really excited to be there. It also a beautiful 48 miles.

Also, cows. Cow are EVERYWHERE  on the divide. In the desert, at the tops of passes, everywhere. It's should be called Tour De Cow.

Hatchet Mountain here, which I eventually pass, was visible as far back as Silver City.

I do love lonely roads.

A dead rattlesnake, but it looked fine. I wasn't about to check.

These roads made some interesting color patterns on my tires.

There it is! I could see if from about 2 miles away!

As, first picture last as usual, in this case very last. Leaving The Bike Ranch in the early morning!

Silver City to Hachita Photos!

The climb out of Silver City featured Tiolets

and more toilets...

and more toilets!

and yet another big 'ol mine

And then back on dirt!

Really pretty dirt. Fast, and with a tailwind.

As I rode south the green brush shrank away and the giant yucca grew.

We are definitely in the desert now!

The first sign for Antelope Wells!


And somehow another divide crossing!

The last lonely, straight, flat road to Hachita and then to Antelope Wells.


The Bike Ranch!

And, as usual, first is last, the climb out of Silver City.