Saturday, May 3, 2014

Training Ride Number 1

Took the first training ride for the trip today. I don't know if I'll post all these, but I like to throw them up for my own records. This had a stiff wind, some rain, and a weird thing about 26-ish miles in where myself and a few others road around in circles trying to figure out where three random dogs came from. Also, there was a moped gang which smelled terrible. Not the people (probably) - but the mopeds. Moped engines STINK!

Anyways, fun times! Felt good and strong, and had my second fastest time ever on the McBeth Hill Climb.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

RAGBRAI to Mark (Brattleburough)

This is an idea I have for Steven's Point, Wisc to Brattleborough, VT. It uses the Adventure Cycling Northern Tier Section 10 and Lake Erie Connector maps, and then follows NY Bike Route #5 (Erie Canal mostly). I need Iris to find me her Adventure Cycling Michigan maps. Any of you tour in this area and have advice for the route? I'll have about 25ish days and this is only 1,200 mile of mostly flat, so I could scenic it up a bit.

This will be considerably more laid back then the first half of the ride I think.  I plan to get to Steven's Point by taking the Team RoadShow bus up after RAGBRAI.