Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monument to Mitchell Megaphotos!

I guess what I look like at 7am on a cold 55 degree morning after sleeping on a picnic table.

I really do love sleeping on picnic tables. They are my favorite road bed by far!

Morning view. Still Spicy Foggy.

The North Fork of the John Day River (although soon I hit the main fork)

This was a goat in the road. It started following me. I tried to lead it to it's home but it wouldn't go on the ranch and the scary No Tresspassing signs made me decided to just leave.

Slides. Really?  Couldn't have seen for for myself.

One of the many fossil-related hikes in the area.

This was an old sheep ranch right across the street from the fossil place. Worth visiting.

In 2003 and 2014 I got within two miles of this place on my bike tours, but didn't want to detour to it. Now my route goes right past it!

There were lots of murals and fossils and smart shit inside.

RAR!  It's all "Age of Mammal" stuff, but those mammals will still eat your face off.

Mmmm.. Still Spice Foggy.

Less Spice Foggy as I climbed away!

Just a cow. Hanging out in the road.

Where shoes go to die? Sign says "Just a bunch of old souls hanging out."  This is on what would be a fast downhill going the other way. I'll have to see if I noticed it last year and took a photo or not.

Near the top of the pass it flattened out a bit, but a headwind showed up.

Victory! I'm writing a "top of the hill" song for occasions like this. I think it will go something like:

"I made it to the top of the hill,
I never had a doubt in my mind,
Now I get to fly down the other side
Until the next hill I can find!"

It was still a bit spice foggy descending into Mitchell, but soon it got better.


Great bathrooms! I pooped in there!

Mitchell. Last time I was here there was a concert. See the blog around June 19th, 2014, ish.

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