Saturday, August 2, 2014

Suring to Stephenson photos

Downtown Stephenson

The river border to Michigan (there was no sign, the road was too small to have one.)

My home for the night.

So, for 50 cents you get to... fly a packer helmet?  I'm not really sure what this is supposed to simulate.  Maybe the kids slamming around inside the helmet simulates how a concusion happens?

That is a lot of non-standard wood sculpture thingies.
 More Michigan border this one looking west.

Northern Wis is mostly forest, but it can't seem to figure out if it's a pine forest or a decidious forest.  
There are lots of cat tails though.  This ain't no desert!

The landromatte in Stephenson (I didn't to laundry there, just visited) was crazy out of the 50's or 60'.  Therer were handpainted peanuts (the comic) signs everwhere.

Dee Snider might want some royalties.

It got hilly.
If this road were bigger the Wisc/Mich sign would go here.

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