Indiana: Oceans of flat crop with islands of woods.
There are several pictures of this stuff coming up. I'm coming is Giant Purpose Swamp Wheat (GPSW) because it's giant, purple, grows in a swamp, and looks like wheat. Anyone know what GPSW really is?
GPSW is giant. Thanks County Road Roulette for finding this for me!
This stuff by the road is actually over plant, I was lucky enough to be there when a Danger Mower was battling it.
When playing County Road Roulette (see wordy post) sometimes you get Upwind Corn Fields, which block the sidey-headwind. Winning! Also, attn: South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This is what corn is supposed to look like. Iowa, you can carry-on.
My home for the night in Hamlet. I was able to ask for premission to stay here so I don't have to hide. They even gave me a bathroom key!
I think this was mint. Acres of it. It was great!
A crossroad at County Road Roulette.
A wininng road at County Road Roulette - straight, blacktop, and flanked on both sides by mint fields!
"Hey Soul Sister!" (if you get the joke you are good at 5-year-old trivia)
Interesting to read about Mordor. We rode into Evansville because we had friends and a bike shop to visit. It took all day to get there. We left and camped 60 miles out and could still see the lights from the city while we slept in a corn field.