Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 3 and 4 quick no internet phone post

Eastern Oregon is sorry of devoid of internet access, so I am slowly typing this on my phone to upload when I get a single. Hilarious auto corrects will likely ensue.

Day 3 Redmond to Mitchell. (60 miles)

I had breakfast with Iris and we bid or last farewells since she had to return to grad school. The first 18.68 miles into Prineville went easily. Shortly after that I stopped to get water for a long push in to Mitchell over Ochoco Pass (accent on the first syllable), and met Bob from Minneapolis who is riding from Seaside, or to Virginia on the trans am route.

I made it up the pass alright by around 1:30, and then 16 miles with 7 as a screaming downhill into Mitchell at 3:30. There I met other bike tourers: Jim from Iowa near IC, riding from (I forget) to RAGBRAI via Wyoming; Rob riding from Florence to Boseman, Mt on a full suspension bike (he hopes to change it out soon); and Tim riding from Vancouver, Wa to Yellowstone. We are all (Bob too) going the same route to Missoula and likely staying in the same towns. We ride different speeds and all but Tim are retired, but we seem to get along well.

Mitchell was home to a small supported biker group, as well as motorcyclists and a band playing a party. For a town of 100 something it was pretty happening (see pictures). We all started in the city park together.

Day 4 Mitchell to Mt Vernon (63 miles).

I headed out at 7:40 with Rob an hour on front, Tim 20 min behind, Bob at a cafe and Jim in a hostel somewhere. Immediately we had a 6 mile climb up Keyes Creek pass that required threre urination stops to crest. I met Jim at the top and he rode just a bit behind me down 20 miles of headwindy canyon slight down hill. The view was amazing, which makes sense considering it was the John Day Nation Fossils Repository, housing 90% of America's strategic fossil reserves (or something like that.)

Tim, Rob, and I met up in Dayville for a quick lunch, and then I left Tim cafeing and Rob napping at noon to burn about 25 hot miles into Mt Vernon in an hour forty-five.

The town is a bit tiny, so I had to end up paying 5 bucks for hiker biker camping at Holliday state park just party town. Items pretty, and the crew will likely end up here too, but they are all still riding now.

Tomorrow is an easy 40 mile recovery day through John Day and in to Austin Junction. After that 50 to Baker City. The frequent mountain passes make longer days harder, but I hope to make up the time in Montana and South Dakota so I can make RAGBRAI. As much as I want to, week one is not the day to push it!

A photo post should follow this! ILYI

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for riding buddies! Keep the updates coming when you can--and watch out for dingos. Love you!
